This project is not to be taken seriously and is not production ready. P.S This project is simply a proof of concept done while i was still in school/college. This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
Navigate to the project folder and run javac to compile and java HomePage to run the program.This application offers features for room type filtering, price updates, and availability tracking. It provides a set of RESTful API endpoints for tasks such as creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting room records. Create database named hms and table users with columns username, password, table doctors with columns DocName, Specialisation, Address, Pnumber, table Patients with columns Pname, Address, Pnumber, Age, Sex, Illness and table contactus with columns email, comments The Hotel Management Application is a Spring Boot-based system designed to manage hotel room data efficiently.jar file can be added to CLASSPATH by adding the following line export CLASSPATH='.:/usr/share/java/mysql.jar' to ~/.bashrc file followed by source ~/.bashrc Install MySQL Connector/J, on Ubuntu/linux MySQL connector can be installed by apt-get install libmysql-java and then add the path of.Clone or download zip from github repository.On logging in the user can add details of patients and doctors. Based on the Java platform, the overall hierarchical structure of the system is designed including a health information management module, personal health data synchronization module, and full. This system has a home page from where the administrator can login.